Amitha's Blog

It’s almost time!

Hi there!

We’re looking forward to seeing you THIS Saturday, September 8 starting at 11 (or 12 pm depending on your ticket time).

To help you get the most out of your time with us, I wanted to answer a very frequently asked question that we’ve been getting the past few months.

“If I’m redesigning my house from scratch, where do I start?”

I faced this very same dilemma when my own home was destroyed not once, not twice, but four separate times by natural disasters.

Luckily, you can use my bad luck to your benefit.

Because I had to start from scratch so many times, I figured out a number of different strategies to rapidly restore my home back to some sense of normalcy. And of course, a number of secret hacks to make your interior gorgeous, even if you’re short on time and/or money.

I’m going to share one of these approaches with you today.

And then, in a few days, after this one sinks in, I’ll share a second strategy with you.  

So here we go.

Amitha’s Design Approach #1:

It can seem overwhelming when you have to redesign your entire house.

To make it easier, I always focus on one room at a time.

One complete room at a time.

Kind of like a design show.

Here are the steps that I take:

 Figure out what is needed by looking around to see what’s missing

2. Get some scratch paper, and sketch out any possible layouts for furniture, accessories, lamps etc. (These are very simple sketches)

3. Take a photo of the sketch so it’s on your smartphone

4. Finally make a list of everything that I need for that room and store it on your phone

5. Take photos of any fabrics or color palettes that you’re working on

Then when I go shopping, I only focus on finding the things on my list.

Nothing else.

All of the other “stuff” just goes away.

I promise you this is one of the best strategies I’ve used to FINISH a project. And when that room is DONE —  I mean really done — you will always have that one area in your home that will INSPIRE you to keep going and finish the rest of your house.

Right now, you might be looking at a few rooms that you need to work on.

But for the sake of getting started, pick one.

Now get out your notebook and think.

What’s missing in this room? Are there different ways you can arrange the same room? Jot all of your thoughts down.

And take some photos of the room so you have can reference it.

Then just work through the steps above.

Before you know it, you’ll have completed one room…and then two…and then three rooms…and then your entire home!

This first strategy is the chunking strategy. In other words, breaking the larger project into more manageable, smaller chunks.

But if you don’t want to do that, there is a way to tackle your entire house at once without absolutely losing your mind.

I’ll reveal that strategy in a few days.

So stay tuned!

In friendship,


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