Amitha's Blog

French Antiques 101

How many of you are getting ready for Round Top? Or as I call it: “Antiquing Texas-Style”!

Round Top is a tiny town in Texas that hosts one of the most spectacular antique shows in the US. From junkyard finds to the most exclusive European antiques, you’ll find it all at Round Top. This time of year it’s particularly fun, as you get to enjoy the blue bonnets as you travel up the freeway, soak up the gorgeous weather and enjoy the wonderment of beautiful (and not-so-beautiful) period pieces!

Sometimes when you’re shopping, you’ll find the dealers referring to pieces with their original names, especially French pieces. So today I decided to share our French Furniture guide with you, so you can be ready to impress the dealers as you look around!

Canape (Cana-pay)

A canape is a carved wood frame French sofa with an upholstered seat and back that became stylish during the Rococo and Neoclassic period under Louis XV and Louis XVI. This kind of piece is similar to a French settee and is also like a French sofa. They are classic designs that are still popular today.

Custom canape by Amitha Verma Designs

Available at Village Antiques
Available at Village Antiques

Fauteuil (Fo-too)

A fauteuil is a carved French side chair, with open sides. This kind of chair might be upholstered or have caning along with the carved wood frame. These chairs emerged during the Rococo period and became very popular with many different interpretations. These are very classic French chairs, and though they sometimes comes with a modern touch – a bold patterned fabric, or a lacquered finish – they are usually to be found in the most classic designscapes.

Available at Village Antiques

Bergere (Bur-jair)

A bergere is another type of French side chair. The difference between this and the fauteuil is that the bergere is closed all the way around. A bergere has an upholstered seat and back, and will often have an additional seat cushion. This is a classic, classic Louis XVI chair, perhaps one of the most famous pieces of French furniture. You’ve probably seen many different variations and interpretations of this chair.

Available at Village Antiques
Available at Village Antiques


A gueridon is a small circular table that is used as a little side table. I love the geometry of these tables, they are so perfect to slip in between a pair of chairs or by the side of a sofa.

If you are an avid antique shopper, you will often find that these antiques are referred to by their original classifications. And now you’ll know exactly what those names refer to. Have fun in Round Top and hope to see you soon at the shop!

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