Amitha's Blog

3 Easy Ways to Freshen Up Your Decor

So now what?

After weeks and months of staying home, the city shut down; it’s a strange feeling to suddenly be able to go out and start doing things.

Should you, shouldn’t you…I’ve been hearing it all from friends and family.

One thing I know for sure is that, it’s a process.

Inevitably, we are all going to start moving around and trying our best to safely get back to life.

In our household, homeschool and working from home so we are still homebound.

With the idea of “being able to go do more,” I want to squeeze in as many new projects as possible, such as organizing our company manuals, and every drawer in my house, go get all new stationery, and so much more.

You get the picture; I want to add on what essentially boils down to huge, multi-week projects.

Something about being homebound makes me want to take on mountains of projects!

I can share from experience, this is the worst thing to do when you’re already maxed out.

So instead of doing all of that, I told myself that this would be a good week to do a few mini-projects around my home. Fun, easy, delightful, decor projects.

I put a number on it, I told myself I would not make more than three updates.

And so that’s what I did.

I grabbed these home decor objects from Village Antiques, and made three quick updates in three different areas of my home.

And guess what, I was content!

With the shutdown, I missed the chance to do a few fun and pretty spring spruce-ups in my home. So I was delighted to add a few little decor objects to keep up with the seasons and the trends.

As you can see, these were easy, and things you can also do today.

If you’re inspired to do one of these things, leave a comment and let us know! I’d love to hear from you.

Everything you see is from Village Antiques in Houston, Texas.

We are open and following social distancing procedures to be sure everyone is safe. Please do stop by.

I pray this message continues to find you well and healthy.

In friendship,


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