Amitha's Blog

What now?

The past few days have been devastating, catastrophic and heart wrenching. We are sad to see so many friends and loved ones lose everything.

At the same time, this has been one of the most inspiring and uplifting events I’ve ever seen unfold.

Never have I seen a time so full of hope, support and friendship. I am incredibly proud to be a fellow Houstonian.

In the next few weeks we will be planning out different ways that we can help our communities rebuild.

With you in mind we have made a donation to The American Red Cross.

We are also accepting donations at Village Antiques for the items the shelters are needing.

If you have any of these items, please drop them off and we will distribute them to those in need.

Village Antiques is open and has regular store hours. Proceeds from the sales will go towards helping those affected by Hurricane Harvey.

We would love to see you. Please stop by, share a cup of coffee and a hug.

Sending you best wishes and prayers for you, your family and your homes.

With love,


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